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Marriage is a commitment between a man and a woman with one goal in mind, to remain married for life. Here at Faith Christian Center, we offer Premarital Counseling for couples. A counselor will provide you with a clear, spiritual and practical understanding of what God’s Word has to say about marriage. If you’re interested, you may contact the church office at (602) 267-9700 to get started.

Requirements for a wedding to be scheduled at Faith Christian Center:

  • Both parties must be born again according to Romans 10:9-10.
  • Both parties must be members of a Christian church.
  • At least one party must be a member of Faith Christian Center.
  • Couples must be dating for at least one (1) year prior to beginning counseling.
  • If either party has been previously married, there must be an official divorce decree issued by the courts.
  • The couple MUST live in and maintain separate residences throughout the counseling process.